Friday, July 13, 2012

Scary, Ugly, and Dangerous!

So, it's Friday, the 13th!  Nothing scares me more than ugly or dangerous bugs.  Here's a few that might make your skin crawl a little (or a lot!):

Asian Giant Hornet

photo courtesy of
-2 in. long; stings with a potent venom that also contains a pheromone to call other hornets for reinforcement.
-Native to temperate and tropical Eastern Asia

Army Ants
photo courtesy of Mark W. Moffett;

-Have massive, powerful, machete-like jaws that can dismantle any living thing in their path, regardless of size.
-Entire colony moves constantly and can consume 100,000 prey animals each day.

Goliath Bird-eating Spider
photo courtesy of
-Second largest spider in the world with a 12 in. leg span and weight up to 6 oz.
-Type of tarantula found in the rainforest regions of northern South America.
-Despite it's name, it mostly eats insects and other invertebrates.

Amazonian Giant Centipede
photo courtesy of
-Can reach a length of 12 in.
-Found in South America
-Preys on insects, spiders, lizards, frogs, birds, mice, and bats

Bot Fly

photo courtesy of J.Eibl;

-Each species targets a specific animal-horse, sheep, and even humans.
-The larvae are internal parasites of mammals that live out the larval stage in the subcutaneous layer of skin, causing painful pustules.
-Most species are found in Central and South America.

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